AP Exam FRQs

Looking for questions to put on your AP Calculus assessments? Here you’ll find a list of every released AP Calculus Exam FRQ organized by unit, topic, content, and FRQ type. Use the search feature to refine your results.
Tips for searching:
To find FRQs from a particular unit, use quotes around the unit name (“Unit 4”).
To search for questions that satisfy more than one criteria, use AND to separate the criteria. Searching “Unit 5” AND Yes would give all Unit 5 FRQs that allow the use of a graphing calculator. Searching inflection AND “absolute maximum” would give all FRQs that ask students to find points of inflection and an absolute maximum within the same question.
Use OR if the FRQ should include either the first criteria OR the second. (MVT OR IVT)